The goal of our kennel is to educate, preserve, and promote this rare and unique breed in Canada as well as to breed
well adjusted, healthy and friendly happy Thai Ridgeback dogs. We take pride
in being the second Canadian Breeder of this beautiful, wonderfully unique and fascinating rare breed.
Our quest is to acquire perfection in our breeding program and will be
met when we consistently produce Thai Ridgeback dogs that are healthy in body and temperment as well as structurally
sound and are correct in conformation. Ours
is a true commitment to the Thai Ridgeback Dog as a breed.
Our plan is to only select healthy dogs for breeding as well they must be an
example of only the highest quality of the breed standard. All dogs have faults,
but by trying to match the breeding pair that best compliment each other we hopefully will eliminate these faults as time
goes on and produce the best ever Thai Ridgeback Dogs.